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空壓機三濾一油超期使用危害大 你知道不?

來源:http://m.lascrucesbarbershop.com/   日期:2020-11-24   瀏覽量:0


Air compressor three filter one oil extended use of great harm, do you know


Air filter is an important protective barrier of air compressor. Dust and particulate impurities in the air can be filtered out. The cleaner the air is, the better the performance and service life of oil filter, oil-gas separator, lubricating oil and main engine will be guaranteed.


Overdue use


It will increase the actual compression ratio of the unit, increase the load of the main engine and shorten the service life of the unit; if the resistance of the air filter is too large, the energy consumption of the unit will increase; if the air displacement is insufficient, the production will be affected; if the filter element is damaged and foreign matters enter the main engine, the machine head will be locked or even scrapped.


Air filter element


Oil filter is mainly used to filter particles and impurities in the lubricating oil of air compressor, so as to ensure the cleanness of oil circulation system and the safe operation of air compressor system.



Overdue use


It will lead to insufficient lubrication of the main engine and shorten the service life of the main engine; insufficient return oil will lead to high exhaust temperature and shorten the service life of lubricating oil. The filter element is damaged, and the unfiltered lubricating oil of air compressor enters into the main engine, causing damage to the main engine.


Oil filter


Oil gas separator, the main role is to separate the oil from the compressed air to ensure the quality of compressed air.


Overdue use


The oil content of the produced compressed air increases, which affects the operation of the back-end purification equipment and the normal work of the gas consuming equipment, and affects the quality of the final product; the poor separation efficiency increases the oil consumption, which increases the operation cost, and causes the main engine failure in case of oil shortage; after the failure, the glass fiber falls off into the lubricating oil, which shortens the service life of the oil filter element and speeds up the wear of the main engine.


Oil filter element


Air compressor lubricating oil, mainly for lubrication, cooling, sealing, cleaning, noise reduction and other functions.


Overdue use


If the oil is not changed, the machine will be shut down due to high temperature alarm; the lubricating effect will be worse, which will speed up the wear of the main engine; if the lubricating oil will change qualitatively, coking and carbon deposition will appear inside the main engine; the service life of the air compressor will be directly affected.


If the "three filters and one oil" of the air compressor exceeds the service life, there will be an early warning signal during operation, but it will not stop. However, if the warning signal is issued, the relevant personnel should be contacted in time for maintenance and replacement. Due to small loss and large loss, failure to replace the "three filters and one oil" will directly affect the normal operation of the air compressor, and the maintenance cost will be higher in the future.

